is an ambitious global game conference project led by internationally renowned gamedev folks Rami Ismail, Sarah Elmaleh, Myriame Lachapelle, Gabriel Del Santo, Gwen Frey, Houssem Ben Amor. From the website: "Featuring 30+ speakers from all over the planet, all talks will be close-captioned and translated into Arabic, Simplified Chinese, English, French, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. Broadcast live on from June 21st – June 23rd, join us for the first-ever global games conference. Learn from top developers around the planet in talks and interactive Q&A’s, meet other developers speaking your language, and gain a global perspective on the art & business of game creation." Working with Ysbryd Games , a games publisher based in Singapore and also a sponsor for the program, we approached PIXEL Building and they very graciously booked the venue for us from 7PM 21st Jun - 9PM 22nd Jun within a day. L
Formerly the Singapore Games Guild (SGG), a community of game creators and esports organisations in Singapore